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Tumeric Latte Elixer Alchemy 750ml


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Alchemy syrups are a premium range that are naturally sweetened, preservative free, gluten free, dairy free and Australian made & owned!

Golden Turmeric Elixir has such a brilliant golden yellow hue that you   almost can’t believe it’s natural. The colour comes from natural   curcumin, which is the bioactive ingredient in turmeric.

Golden Turmeric Elixir has a pleasantly balanced earthy turmeric and   ginger   taste, with just a hint of cinnamon. As you swirl it around in   your   mouth,  the creamy vanilla comes to the front of the flavour, and   finally the   warmth of black pepper leaves your mouth singing, fresh   and clean. Until   your next sip, where it begins all over again.

Only a handful of ingredients go into our Golden Turmeric Elixir, no nasties like artificial colours or flavours. Every ingredient contributes to the overall   flavour, yet they are all functional and important contributors to what is our   Golden Turmeric Elixir.

Available in Original 750ml.