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Chai Leaf Tea Organic


Byron Bay Tea company, founded by a Naturopath & Herbalist, make a large range of organic teas and beneficial blends including calming, immunity and digest.

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Byron Bay Tea company, founded by a Naturopath & Herbalist, make a large range of organic teas and beneficial blends including calming, immunity and digest.


Enliven the senses with this exquisite Byron Bay Tea Company Chai Tea. This unique chai blend is a fusion of traditions, combining Assam black tea with traditional Indian spices and some locally grown Australian ingredients. Aniseed Mrytle gives the chai and extra zing and roasted Wattleseed creates a rich and malty flavour.

Available in loose leaf tins

Ingredients- Assam Black tea, Cinnamon, Licorice, Ginger, Cardamon, Aniseed Mrytle & Roasted Wattleseed.